
Mills Park Directions


Our address is 441 Mills Park Dr. Cary, NC 27519

From Raleigh: Take I-440 to US-1 South. Take US-1 to 64 West (exit 98B). Next, take NC 55 toward Morrisville. Turn left onto Carpenter Fire Station Road. Turn left onto Green Level to Durham Road. Continue approximately ½ mile. At Mills Park Drive turn left, the school is on the left side.

From NC 55 in Cary: Use either Green Hope School Road, Morrisville Carpenter Road, or Carpenter Fire Station Road to reach Green Level Church Road. Turn at the light for Mills Park Road to enter the Mills Park Schools campus.

*After turning onto Mills Park Drive, take the first left and follow that around the softball field. Continue through the parking lot and park the bus in the driveway at the far end, it will take you around the back of the bleacher area and down to the field.

We will provide water bottles, water coolers and medical ice for your teams but if you would like to bring additional water bottles please do so


John Babson

Athletic Director

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