
Tryout Information

SPRING tryouts registration closes February 14, 2025
this is to provide time for staff to review eligibility prior to tryouts.

The Tryout Registration window has closed, however, you are still able to complete prior to tryouts IF you have Dragonfly and email eprijatel@wcpss.net or cnavin@wcpss.net ASAP. By registering late to tryouts- this may delay the students' ability to participate at the start of tryouts if the athletic director isn't able to review all eligibility requirements beforehand.

All 7th and 8th grade students interested in participating in athletics must meet the eligibility requirements and athletic policies in order to tryout. WCPSS does not allow 6th graders to try out, but they may register to be a manager, if applicable; this expectation is determined by each coach.

TEAM MANAGERS at West Millbrook must complete the tryouts registration form below. Some coaches make cuts for managers- make sure to reach out to coach in person or email to learn their process.  Managers that make the final team roster must have a complete Dragonfly profile within a week of making the team.

**Winter Cheer Managers must register & have a complete Dragonfly account prior to day 1 of tryouts. There is such a quick turnaround from fall to winter cheer that requires coach to be focused on competition preparation. 

STEP 1- Register for Tryouts: must be done for every season

By completing the registration form, your name is added to the tryouts roster & triggers our athletic director team to start reviewing Dragonfly accounts and eligibility. Registering as early as possible only helps our athletic department support more athletes trying out and avoiding any issues with eligibility. 

Baseball News:  WCPSS is not offering middle school baseball as a school sport effective this year.  This ends a 27-year baseball run for our West Millbrook Wildcats, and I am disappointed for our student-athletes who hoped to play for their school team this year.  The transition from school team to club team is already underway.  For more information about the club team (and even 6th graders are eligible), click BASEBALL.   

STEP 2- Complete Dragonfly Profile

  1. Parent/Guardian creates a Dragonfly Account THEN create a profile for their child or updates existing Dragonfly account (click)
    🎦Click here for Dragonfly instructions.and video tutorials 

  2. Complete electronic forms on Dragonfly profile or if you prefer to complete on paper, Click here to print participation packet or see Mrs. Prijatel, Mr. Calhoun, or Mr. Navin for packets in English or Spanish

  3. Upload pictures of sports physical documents or schedule a sports physical if you haven’t done so. Physicals are valid for 395 days

OrthoNC offers $10 w/o appt.
Wake Health Clinic (pay on a sliding scale)
CVS on Spring Forest Rd.
Emerge Ortho ($25 summer)

ATHLETES & PARENTS: If there are incomplete profiles or incorrect information, a message will be sent to guardians via Dragonfly (check your spam folder) and also sent to athlete’s WCPSS emails. Student-athletes should be checking their school Outlook email via Wake ID Portal daily. 
Please email
email eprijatel@wcpss.net (fall, winter) or cnavin@wcpss.net (spring) directly if you upload new documents that are pending review. We do not get notification from Dragonfly and your email let’s us approve documents quickly for you! 

STEP 3- Eligibility Review & “approved to play” sent to student email

Athletic directors review all Dragonfly documents, student’s grades, and student attendance of the previous semester to ensure all eligibility requirements are met. If you are new to Wake County, this process may take longer as we wait to receive records. 

🟢If a student is eligible, an “approved to play”email will be sent to student email with tryouts details 
🔴If a student is ineligible; student and guardians will be notified via email. 

**winter sports: your eligibility will be reviewed in the new year– make sure your fall semester grades and attendance comply with eligibility requirements! 

**spring sports:

  1. students are sent an email regarding their Dragonfly profiles (approved or action needed)
  2. students sent final “approved to play” email once their grades & academics are reviewed from semester 1. 
    ****grades & academic eligibility reports won’t be available until a few weeks prior to tryouts.



  • Spring Tryouts, February 24-27, 2024, 3:30-5pm  **this is subject to change based on number of athletes, weather, etc. 
    • fall cheer goes until 5:15pm
    • winter cheer goes until 5:30pm  
  • DISMISSAL- Don’t leave 6th period early; wait for the announcement. DAY 1 of TRYOUTS please go to the Main Gym for attendance with coach before changing in the locker room 
  • PICK-UP TRANSPORTATION IS ON TIME! Tell your ride NOT to move the cones in the carpool lane.
    • Please make sure you’re not roaming campus or walking on our new lawns, please. Your ride cannot use the bus loop.


  • Check email daily and listen to announcements daily.
  • MANAGERS:  you should have already contacted your coach directly to introduce yourself, learn the expectations, and if you should attend tryouts/practices. Direct all questions to your coach.
  • Bookmark our athletics page: https://wakecountyathleticzone.com/west-millbrook/ **final rosters will be posted under your sport


  • Filled water bottle
  • equipment/locker rooms-  We offer optional storage for extra bags/equipment: locker rooms will be open 7:50-8:10AM; locked during the school day.
  • an athletic change of clothes & footwear- make sure you have layers for outdoor weather(if applicable), Indoor gym shoes (if it’s bad weather and we practice indoors), other approved shoes for outdoor sport participation.
  • Nice to Have: chapstick, hat/sunglasses, headband/extra hair ties, deodorant, sunscreen, extra pair of socks if they get wet, menstrual products, extra pair of contact lens


  • Final cuts will be posted on your sports page on our athletics website (click)
  • Regular team practice times: Monday-Thursday until 5pm; coaches may practice on Fridays- this will be communicated by the coach
  • Parent Meeting in the main gym 
    • Fall Sept. 16, 2024 @ 5:15 PM
    • Winter Dec. 2, 2024 @ 5:15 PM
    • Spring March 3, 2025 @ 5:15 PM
  • Game schedule: 2024-25 Full Game Schedule- all seasons

Why is the Tryouts Registration Deadline Critical?
Athletic directors have to review all Dragonfly accounts & the grades/attendance of each athlete’s previous semester- that takes time! Register early to help the process!

OrthoNC offers $10 w/o appt.
Wake Health Clinic (pay on a sliding scale)
CVS on Spring Forest Rd.
Emerge Ortho ($25 summer)

–Fall & Winter eligibility is based on previous spring second semester.
— Spring sports eligibility is based on first semester of the current school year.
Fall Sept. 16, 2024 @ 5:15 PM
Winter Dec. 2, 2024 @ 5:15 PM
Spring March 3, 2025 @ 5:15 PM
Lifetouch Team Picture Dates
Date will be communicated by coaching staff.
Attend Athletic Booster Meetings
Media Center 5:15-6pm
-Sept 10, 2024
-October 8, 2024
-November 12, 2024
-December 10, 2024
-January 14, 2025
-February 11, 2025
-March 11, 2025
-April 8, 2025
-May 13, 2025
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