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Schedule of Snow Day Makeup Basketball Games: January 29 will be the Pine Hollow makeup at Leesville with Girls team playing first at 4 pm.  February 5 will be the Martin makeup game at Leesville with the Boys playing first at 4 pm.  

Spring Sports Dragonfly forms must be completed by February 4.  There will be a Spring Sport Meeting for Boys Soccer, Softball and Track Parents and Players at the Leesville gymnasium Wednesday, February 12 at 5:10 pm.  

February 24 is the first day for tryouts for Boys Soccer, Girls Softball, and Boys and Girls Track.  

There are new academic eligibility rules beginning in this second semester which affect this current basketball season and apply to all seasons going forward. The new rule states that students must be passing 70% of ALL their classes.  This means for Leesville students who take 6 classes with 4 core and 2 electives that you must be passing 5 out of the 6 total classes.

***Parent Message*** Dragonfly must be completed by Tuesday, February 4 if you are planning to tryout for Spring Sports.  Parents please check your Dragonfly.  There are many who have not completed all the parts.  I have also had to reject some PPE Forms for various reasons including expired; wrong form downloaded; not downloaded upright and not readable; and other reasons which I always attach the reason why.  Also read the next paragraph!  All parts MUST be completed on Dragonfly and PPE Forms approved before you can tryout.  Thanks!

Please make sure you complete all parts on Dragonfly and download the PPE Physical Examination Form in its designated place as well as the PPE Medical Eligibility Form in its designated place. Do not download multiple pages in the area designated for the Physical Form and for the Medical Eligibility Form!  Please check your download to make sure they are upright and readable or they will not be approved.

All Dragonfly Forms NEED be completed NOW and no later than February 4! For more information on Leesville Athletics, click on TOP HEADLINES above.  


Leesville Road Middle School
8406 Pride Way
Raleigh, NC 27613

Athletic Director
Bruce Close



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