
Tryout Information

All 7th and 8th grade students interested in participating in athletics must meet the eligibility requirements and athletic policies in order to tryout. WCPSS does not allow 6th graders to try out, but they may be a manager. If you would like to be a manager, please reach out to the coach under your preferred sport.

STEP 1- Register for Tryouts on Google Form

The earlier the better! This form creates a list of athletes that athletic directors use to review Dragonfly and eligibility. Students must be logged into their WCPSS Google Account to complete the form.

  • FALL Tryouts Registration Form (MUST BE COMPLETED BY STUDENT) — The first tryout day for football, volleyball, and cheerleading is September 3, 2024 (registration closes Aug 28). Girls soccer tryouts will begin September 9.
  • WINTER Tryouts Registration Form (MUST BE COMPLETED BY STUDENT) — The first tryout day is November 18, 2024 (registration closes Nov 8)
  • SPRING Tryouts Registration Form  (MUST BE COMPLETED BY STUDENT) — The first tryout day is February 24, 2025 (registration closes Feb 14)

STEP 2- Update Dragonfly Account

Create a Dragonfly Account or update existing Dragonfly account. Schedule a sports physical, if a new one is needed- physicals are valid for 395 days. 

PARENTS: Dragonfly does not alert anyone when new documentation is uploaded and pending review. If you are having concerns or issues, please email our Assistant Athletic Director (hdickerson3@wcpss.net).

You do not need to wait until your child’s annual check up to get a Sports Physical. See below for places you can get them ASAP:

OrthoNC offers $10 w/o appt.
Wake Health Clinic (pay on a sliding scale)
–CVS, Target, Walgreens
Emerge Ortho ($25 summer)

STEP 3- Eligibility Review & “approved to play” sent to student email

Athletic directors review all Dragonfly documents, student’s grades, and student attendance of the previous semester to ensure all eligibility requirements are met. If you are new to Wake County, this process may take longer as we wait to receive records. 

🟢If a student is eligible, students will receive a ticket to play. Students should bring it with them to tryouts OR take a picture of it and show the picture.
🔴If a student is ineligible; student and guardians will be notified via email. 

**winter sportsyour eligibility will be reviewed in the new year DURING THE SEASON– make sure your fall semester grades and attendance comply with eligibility requirements! 

**spring sports: Spring sports eligibility is based on the previous fall semester attendance and grades.



  • First day of Fall Tryouts – September 3  **this is subject to change
  • First day of Winter Tryouts – November 18  ***this is subject to change
  • First day of Spring Tryouts – February 24  ***this is subject to change
  • DAY 1 of TRYOUTS please go to the Main Gym for attendance with coach 
  • Tryouts will end by 4:45. All rides must be on time. Volleyball, basketball, and cheerleading must be picked up out front. All other sports will be picked up near the lower field at the back of the school.



  • Filled water bottle
  • an athletic change of clothes & footwear- make sure you have layers for outdoor weather(if applicable), Indoor gym shoes (if it’s bad weather and we practice indoors), other approved shoes for outdoor sport participation.


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