Team Photos
Name: DJ Clemons
Team News
Congratulation to the 2024-2025 WMS Girls Basketball Team:
Thank you to everyone who came out for tryouts. Coach DJ really appreciates you putting in the effort. The team should plan to attend study hall and practice on Thursday, November 21st at 3:30pm-6:00 pm.
 Students and their parents who make their respective team will be required to attend a MANDATORY MEETING on Monday, December 2nd at 5:15 pm in the gym.  Attendance will be taken for both the student and parent/guardian. Students will not be allowed to participate in a game until both the student and parent/guardian have attended the meeting.
A new form for the 24-25 school year has been added to DragonFly, if you have already completed DragonFly registrations please log on and fill out this new form ASAP!