Find $10 sports Physical Examination information here: https://orthonc.com/services/sports-physicals
For more information about each sport, please use the “Sports” tab at the top of this page.
These are the sports that we offer here at Carnage Middle School:
Fall (September to November): Football (Boys), Cheer (Girls), Girls Soccer, Volleyball (Girls)
Winter (November to February): Girls Basketball, Boys Basketball, Cheer (Girls)
Spring (February to May): Boys Soccer, Girls Track, Boys Track, Softball (Girls)
If your child tried out for a team during the 2024-2025 school year, please do not create a new account. Use the same account and add the sport that your child will be trying out for during the 2025-2026 school year.
Register to Play Sports at Carnage
- Step 1: Register or sign into DragonFly by clicking here. For more info about registering with DragonFly click here.
- Step 2: Complete the Health History, Concussion, Participation and Release, and Eligibility forms electronically on DragonFly. These forms must be completed annually.
Step 3: Physical Examination Form and Medical Eligibility Form (2 separate forms – PDF Pages 6 & 7) must be filled out by the doctor and uploaded on DragonFly by scanning or taking a picture of the form. Click here for these forms or have your child pick up the forms from Coach Quick in the gym.
Eligibility Requirements
Each of the following requirements must be met by all 7th and 8th graders who plan to participate in athletics at Carnage:
- Must meet all eligibility requirements and be fully registered prior to participating in tryouts for any sport.
- Must not turn 15 years of age on or before August 31 of the current school year.
- Must have proof of insurance.
- Must have received a medical examination once every 395 days by a licensed medical physician, physician’s assistant or family practitioner.
- Must have read, initialed and signed the Concussion Information and Concussion Statement form. This must be completed by student-athlete and parent/legal custodian on an annual basis (once every 365 days).
- Must meet promotion requirements to be eligible for fall semester. The State Board of Education defines promotion as “progressing to the next grade.” Students retained either by the school or the parents will be ineligible for the fall semester.
- 6 Semester Rule – No student may be eligible to participate at the Middle School level for a period lasting longer than 6 consecutive semesters beginning with the students’ first entry into 6th grade.
- Must earn passing grades (D or better) in one less course than the required core courses each semester to be eligible for participation during the next semester.
- Must not have more than 14 total absences (The State Board of Education requires at least 85% attendance) in the semester prior to athletic participation.
- Must not participate (practice or play) if ineligible.
- Must not participate (practice or play) in any athletic event if suspended or is actively serving in the in-school suspension program for that day or days.
- Must be present in school the entire day in order to participate in practices or games.
- A player must practice a total of six (6) days before playing in a game in all sports except football, where a player must practice eight (8) days. Game days cannot be used as a practice day.
- A player injured requiring medical attention and/or absent due to illness must meet eligibility requirements and must have practiced the required number of days above (#13). This player may not participate in practice or a contest without a doctor’s note. Students absent from athletic practice 5 or more days due to illness or injury shall receive a medical release by a licensed physician before re-admittance to practice or play..
Carnage Middle School
1425 Carnage Dr.
Raleigh, NC 27610
Athletic Director
LaQuanda Quick